Friday, November 26, 2010

Hostgator black friday 2010 discount offer : 80% max

We know about Hostgator black Friday sale and  Hostgator has revealed It’s blackhostgatorlogo thumb Friday deal. Surprisingly this time they don’t have any discount coupon and you will be getting flat 50% or flat 80% off depending on the time you register.

Grab Hostgator black Friday Hosting now

Here is Hostgator Black Friday Sale offer:

  • 50% OFF EVERYTHING From 12:00AM CST to 5AM CST

  • 80% OFF EVERYTHING From 5AM to 9AM CST WHILE SUPPLIES LAST (first come, first receive; so definitely don’t miss out!)

  • From 9AM to 11:59PM CST OR after 80% OFF accounts have sold out, we will continue to offer 50% OFF EVERYTHING

  • This applies to ALL Accounts and ALL Term Lengths. So you’re visitors and friends will have the opportunity to receive up to 80% off of up to 3 years worth of Hosting! That would come out to $35.64 for 3 FULL YEARS!

    In short you will be paying :

    Shared Hosting: 0.99 $ /month

    Resellor Hosting: 4.99$ /month

    VPS Hosting : 3.99$ / first month

    Dedicated Hosting : 34.80$/ for first month

    The sad news is that, we can’t book VPS and Dedicated hosting for more than one month. So only good offer which we have is to grab shared hosting or reseller hosting for longer period.

    To let you know Hostgator offers unlimited hosting. So this is the offer you ever get in this year don't miss it..

    please check your local time and buy accordingly.

    Grab the Hostgator's discount hosting offer

    If you have any question about this huge hostgator black Friday discount. Feel free to ask via Comments.
    Time Difference for Indian:
    • CST: -5 GMT
    • IST: +5.30 GMT
    So in India, this offer would start at 10.30 AM (IST).



    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    sixth sense technology

    Pranav Mistry a MIT grad student from india is the genius behind 'sixth sense', which is the hot topic and latest technology. Sixth sense is the wearable device which allows to map physical world with the world of data. Which consists of a camera, small projector, a piece of open source software all this looks like a wearable pendent which is connected to a smart phone and expected cost is only $350..

    This Sixth Sense device can turn any surface into touch. A camera in this device can understand our gestures, and converts into computer understandable commands..isn't this amazing...!

    i don't want to talk much..i m giving chance to pranav to explain about his device... see below video...!

    Don't forget to subscribe us ...

    videos found on TED


    Sunday, November 21, 2010

    listen song from youtube with out launching browser

           While i was working with my document i thought of listening songs . I searched for my favorite song on my local drive, but it wasn't neither in my i-tunes library or on my disk. I was not interested at that time on launching browser,opening youtube or any and playing song.
    I got a doubt that can't we play any song from youtube with out launching browser?

    I searched for that and found a solution, that yes we can listen to our favorite songs from youtube with out launching browser. That which made me possible is QUISPLE.

    Download Quisple
    or visit:

    Download Quisplewhich is freeware.

    Install it , type your song with title, hit enter, that's it.. it will play song directly from youtube with out launching browser.


    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    How to rename default "new folder"

    Rename the Default "New Folder" Name When you click on the right-button to create a new folder. The Folder is automatically named "New Folder".
    Why Can't we change it to "My Folder" or "my stuff" or whatever name?

    I searched it, it took 2hrs until I found the best answer:

    Go to Google, and search for "Resource Hacker"
    Run the program and open Shell32.dll in "X:\Windows\System32\" ,where X refers to your System Drive.

    Navigate to: Strings\ 1896\ 1030

    You will find in the right pane ?New Folder?. Change it to "Confidential" or "Harry", whatever you like!

    Choose "Compile Script" from the Menu. Save it as shell32.dll in the desktop, but beware of saving it in "X:\Windows\System32\"

    Go to Google, and search for "Replacer"
    Run the program, drag Shell32.dll in "X:\Windows\System32 \" and drop it on Replacer's window, then press enter.

    Drag the Shell32.dll that you saved in the desktop and drop it on "Replacer's" window and press enter.
    The Replacer will prompt you to agree, press y then press enter.

    Restart your computer to see changes.

    All Done!

    I found that solution at ""
    The article title was: "Rename New Folder."
